
A1 LAW, at Last, A Real Solution
It's Easy, It's Fast, It's Powerful

A1 LAW offers you a complete software program that will allow you to handle your practice in a more efficient and cost effective manner. It took years to develop and we feel it is the finest program of its kind. Many of our clients use the product for all areas of law including workers compensation, personal injury, family law, immigration, etc. The following lists A1 LAW's requirements and features:

PC Compatible. Supports Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 or a combination.

Minimum system recommended: Pentium 266 Mhz with 16MB. Runs on all networks including Microsoft Windows '95, Novell, Lantastic. Automatically invokes record and file locking on your network.

Always work from a client card. This main card quickly and easily displays all the important information about your case without having to back out to other screens. The client card concept made WCFMS the most widely used program today for workers’ compensation. A1-LAW improves on those very same basic concepts.

Truly Windows Based.  You are typing a form and the phone rings and you need to immediately pull up a different client's case and then continue where you left off -- no problem.

Supports scanners. Scan documents into the computer. View and print them.

Supports digital cameras. See a picture of your client right on your screen.

Automatically insert email or other data to and from your case notes.

Integrates with your word processor - it doesn't matter which one you use. Microsoft Word, Word Perfect or whatever you like. Automatically posts to case notes when letters are generated. Automatically addresses the letter includes the caption and any parties and/or other data from A1 LAW.

Customize data entry screens for different types of cases. Automatically pull that data into form letters.  Run reports off those user defined fields

Complete built in calendaring system includes fast tracking.


Complete tracking capabilities for report generation. 

Automatic tickler system.

Track Statutes.

WCAB and some Civil Court Forms (no need to buy additional programs for the board forms).

Check Out A1 LAW today!

Contact Sales at 805-493-7722    WWW.APPELLSOFTWARE.COM
