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Editing a Template - Add Warning Message opening 2nd Window

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:36 pm
Dear Mike,

When Editing a Template - Could you please add a "Warning Message" (Eg. "Are you sure you want to do this? Y/N) when you open a 2nd+ instance of the template you are currently working on?

For example:

For the same letter currently you can Edit Form Letter details - Edit --> Multiple times to bring up multiple copies of the current saved template letter.

However, the template that gets SAVED is the LAST one of these that you SAVE.

So if you have 2 of the same template open... Copy A and Copy B... And work on A... then Save Copy A and Then Save Copy B...

Save B overwrites your work on Save A.

This can get confusing when you are working with several windows at the same time.

-I would rather have a Warning message than something to prevents you from doing this because it's nice sometimes to compare your original code and the changes you are making side-by-side... especially if format glitches happen during the process.

Thank you very much!

Re: Editing a Template - Add Warning Message opening 2nd Window

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:59 pm
by Admin1
Is this with A1-Law templates? Can you please illustrate a step by step instruction to duplicate this error because that should not happen and could be a bug.
