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Bug / Error: Saved Documents - Blank - No forms

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:44 pm
Dear Michael,

We please need your help with a strange error that has occurred on one of our computer systems.

When this user goes to the "Saved Documents" (tab) for any case card, it gives the user the message "There are no forms to delete, edit, or view."

However, there are saved forms in the cases that the user can access through Case Activity and clicking on the "View the document attached to this event" (button)

I checked several other computer systems and they did not have this problem.

Windows 2000 Professional
512 MB RAM
A1 Update 6.6.7C

Solutions I have tried:

1. Re-register - No Change - Still Blank
2. Create and Save a New Letter - Shows up in Case Activity but still Saved Documents (tab) still blank
3. Went to Add/Remove Programs and attempted to "Reinstall" using the current version (A1-Law Workstation 3.00e_Install Local Files) - Got the error message "Setup could not open the file: C:\DOCUME~1\(USER)\LOCALS~1\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\Setup1.(user initials)
4. Uninstalled 3.00e. Changed Lawlocal folder name to Lawlocalold. Installed A1 Workstation 6.00 Install Local Files.* Reregistered with the Shell box (checked by default) and I checked the "All Controls" (box) --> When it tried to install a printer received the error message:
Error 1705
Message File access is denied.
Message 1 DO c:\lawlocal\law.exe WITH "1","(user initials)"
Line No 56
5. Install still seemed to work. Checked Saved Documents (tab) - Still blank.
6. Unistalled A1. Changed Lawlocal folder to Lawlocalold2.
7. Installed A1. This time I just kept the Shell box checked (by default) and did not check the "All controls" (box). No error messages. Checked Saved Documents (tab) - Still blank.

*General Information note for Users: The shortcuts created for 3.00e are different than the ones for 6.00 so you have to still delete any old 3.00e shortcuts

I am not sure what else to try out. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Bug / Error: Saved Documents - Blank - No forms

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:28 pm

Updated A1 to version 6.6.8A.
Reindexed (fast)

-Still no change for user's computer. Saved Documents is still blank.

Sincerely, Michael Lerner - Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel

Re: Bug / Error: Saved Documents - Blank - No forms

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:33 pm
by Anonymous User
At Forms at the Saved Documents click the Filters button and clear the filter. (:P)


Re: Bug / Error: Saved Documents - Blank - No forms

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:12 pm
Dear Michael,

I went ahead and did that... Check the Saved Documents - Clicked on the Filter button (White,Red,Green) and it had Filter Categories as "depos" (a setting which must be server side since it stayed after 2 re-installations)

Cleared the information, and the Saved Documents list reappeared..

HOWEVER, a bug or glitch kicked in...

The Saved Documents (tab) (the top 4/5) when you click on it now shows up as the last tab clicked (Print Letters, Edit Letters, A1 Court Forms).

So if you last clicked on Edit Letters (tab) , when you click on Saved Documents (tab), the top 4/5ths looks like the Edit Letters (tab) while keeping the Filter (button) + Dropdown + Attach, Delete, and Edit (buttons) at the bottom.

I tried:
1. Filter (button) ... typed in "Meds" ... no documents listed... then Filter (button) - cleared and clicked on the Proceed (button) - a "Please Wait" (box) appeared that wouldn't go away until I went to Task Manager... and cancelled out of Task Manager.
2. Filter (button) ... didn't type in anything and just clicked the "Cancel" button ... "Please Wait" (box)
3. Filter (button) ... typed in the first word of a known saved letter "letters" .. Clicked on the Proceed button and for some reason... No Saved Documents listed (Is this filter suppossed to work differently than I'm attempting to use it?). Filter (button) ... cleared it and proceed.. "Please Wait" (box)

Note when you go to Saved Documents (tab) if you move the right-hand side scrollbar the letters now appear...

**So I am thinking it may be some sort of "Refresh" issue.

I have not tried this on another computer yet to see if this issue is repeatable.

I also tried "Re-registering"... No change.

Please let me know what next steps I should take. I have taken screen shots at each step I can email.


Sincerely, Michael Lerner - Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel

Re: Bug / Error: Saved Documents - Blank - No forms

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:25 pm
by Anonymous User
I'm not quite understanding what you mean by:

The Saved Documents (tab) (the top 4/5) when you click on it now shows up as the last tab clicked (Print Letters, Edit Letters, A1 Court Forms).

Feel free to Email screenshots. The filter at the Saved Documents tab should no longer be RED (it should be white so that no filters are active for Saved Documents).


Re: Bug / Error: Saved Documents - Blank - No forms

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:53 pm
I went ahead and emailed you the screenshots with explanations.

This means that the Saved Documents (tab) frame is correct.. but the information in the inside window is staying what was last clicked (any other tab, even the desktop) - so it is not refreshing properly.

Thanks again!

Sincerely, Michael Lerner - Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel

Re: Bug / Error: Saved Documents - Blank - No forms

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:08 am
by Anonymous User
Yes - appears to be a refresh issue. Can you provide step by step instructions to reproduce this error? Thanks.


Re: Bug / Error: Saved Documents - Blank - No forms

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:57 am
by Anonymous User
The next release will clear the filter every time one quits A1-Law and goes back in again.


Re: Bug / Error: Saved Documents - Blank - No forms

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:15 pm

It looks like the staff member used the Saved Documents - Filter. Though I don't know if it was successful or not.

I came in at the point where it was giving the "There are no forms to delete, edit, or view." message. The filter had the word "depos" in it. The word may have still been in there since the previous usage of A1 the day before.

When I cleared the filter as directed (the July 09, 2009 10:12PM post here), the bug/glitch appeared.

Sincerely, Michael Lerner - Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel

Re: Bug / Error: Saved Documents - Blank - No forms

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:04 pm
by Anonymous User
Let me know if the latest update has resolved this problem.
