ScanFiles (company/paperless) Scanning/ A1 Integration

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ScanFiles (company/paperless) Scanning/ A1 Integration


Post by LMSSC » Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:03 pm

Dear Michael.

I please need your help.

Yesterday myself and Cynthia, our office manager, had a meeting over at ScanFiles (the scanning company in Rancho Cucamonga,CA - which I think is a subsidiary of Med-Legal) about scanning our closed files into our computer system (to save space + make closed files more accessible).

I was suprised to find out that ScanFiles currently works with offices that use A1-Law and that they can setup the scanned files in a way that you can use a feature in A1-Law to import the files right into your Case Cards. (I thought we would just put the copied files on our server in folders that the attorneys could access, but this information (about A1 integration) is going to make our lives SO much easier).

Do I have this correct? The way that they explained it was that you needed to setup the "tabs" how you wanted them in A1. Then you would import the files into those "tabbed" areas. Does this correspond to designations within Case Activity? Or some other setup?

I would greatly appreciate an explanation of how this works. We are looking to move forward with this Asap. Once we figure out how importing works with A1, we are going to create a test closed physical file --> scanned document setups for our WC, SS, and PI case files.

Thank you very much! Hopefully this will take us one step closer to our ideal paperless office!
Michael Lerner
Network Administrator
Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel
(909) 889-1131

Anonymous User

Re: ScanFiles (company/paperless) Scanning/ A1 Integration


Post by Anonymous User » Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:51 pm

Michael - it's true that there is now a very efficient way to scan all mail and all documents into A1-Law. I know of offices that are scanning several hundred documents a day in under an hour.

In general - it works like this: first, there is of course the ability to simply add a case activity event and attach ANY document either via the OLE tab or just simply Drag and Drop the document from Windows Explorer right onto the case activity event (this include Outlook Emails).

In general, The fast way (in a large law office) scanning works like this:

1. A secretary receives all the mail and then sorts it so that it goes to the proper departments (ie: Civil, Comp or perhaps Comp Team #1, Comp Team #2, etc).

2. A legal secretary from a specific department opens the mail and enters it in Case Activity either by pulling the client card or more quickly by using the Mail Tracker. This secretary decides if this piece of mail needs to be scanned. if so, when entering a description of the mail in Case Activity the secretary clicks the Scan button in the lower right corner after entering the case activity description and a "Scan Instruction Form" is printed. They then may specify what is to be done with the correspondence after scanning (shred, send to attorney, file, etc). A1-Law automatically prints on the instruction sheet what to name the document (this is the Number such as 83412-98).

The scan instruction sheet is then attached to the correspondence and placed in a bin and sent off the scan department. The legal secretary's job is complete and the scanning is delegated to the mail room/scan department. The case activity entry is now entered but the document is not yet scanned or attached to that case activity entry.

3. Most scanner/copiers today will easily scan at 50-60 pages / minute. Further, the scanner has a TCP/IP port so it does not need to be attached to a computer. One may program the scanner to automatically save all files in a specific folder on the network (such as F:\data\ScannedDocuments or some other folder. The scan department takes each correspondence in the bin and knows what to name each Adobe Acrobat pdf file by the Number on the Scan Instruction Form that the legal secretary attached to that correspondence. The scan depart scans and names the document and the scanner automatically saves all the documents in the ScannedDocuments folder. No one in the mail room/scan department even needs to know how to use a computer or ever needs to go into A1-Law.

4. Now we have a lot of filenames in the ScannedDocuments Folder. The names might be names like 442-21 885-34 1243-51 61-14 etc. Now, at the end of each day or every few days a system administrator goes into the Scan Tracker in A1-Law and clicks the Transfer button and A1-Law automatically copies and attaches all those documents into their proper case in case activity for all those files. It can do approximately 100 documents in around 10 seconds. We are done. The magic is complete.

5. It can be taken a step further but for now I have been told from other offices doing this that they can easily scan several hundred documents a day. Further, there are far fewer mis-filings. Finally, some attorneys no longer have a file clerk - in fact, in many situations they don't even have a physical file at all! This leads us to #6 below.

6. From the Scan Tracker arises the A1-Law Transfer Utility. This module (already in A1-Law) allows attorneys to quickly (within 2-4 minutes) transfer all their open cases to their laptop computer and then they no longer need to take physical files to court. Since we are paperless with the Scan Tracker, all we need is A1-Law on a laptop computer.

7. The Transfer Utility is currently a "one way sync." Soon, it will be a "two way sync" which will allow attorneys to work "offline" without internet access and then sync their changes when they come back to the office or sync them via Email or internet access. Since internet access is not everywhere (ie: on a plane or perhaps it is wireless and it's just not a fast connection) the transfer utility allows one to see their entire case load and the two way sync will allow one to make changes to the data.


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Re: ScanFiles (company/paperless) Scanning/ A1 Integration


Post by LMSSC » Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:14 pm

Dear Michael,

Thank you very much for the information. I feel the posting deserves to be added to the "Articles" area since it's an important component for offices like ourselves working toward "paperless".

I please need your assistance with some additional questions.

1. Is the number that is given (step #4) like "442-21" reference the Case Card # - Case Activity #?

2. If we are using the setup above and scanning the documents each day into a particular folder on the network, when we do a "Transfer", does it Copy the document and attach the new copy with the file OR does it Move it (Cut & Paste?) into the file?

3. If you are scanning the documents each day into the folder, does A1 ignore files that are in the folder from previous tranfers? (So you don't get multiple copies of the same file attached into A1)

4. We would like the ScanFiles company to scan particular documents from our closed files that we would then import into A1. Those sections would most likely be: Settlement Documents (STIPS, etc.), Pertinent Medical, Permanent & Stationary Report (P&S), Last Treating Doctor Report, Original Fee Agreement.

a. How would we properly have ScanFiles name and order these document sections for each file so that they could be properly imported into A1 using Scan Tracker? Would we add the proper Case Activity areas for each with their "Scan Instruction Form" printouts and then hand them over with the files to SanFiles?

b. Can the Scan Tracker import into other areas than Case Activity?

Michael Lerner
Network Administrator
Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel
(909) 889-1131

Anonymous User

Re: ScanFiles (company/paperless) Scanning/ A1 Integration


Post by Anonymous User » Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:48 pm

Hello Michael. Please provide us with your feedback once you start utilizing the scanning features in A1-Law. Many offices lease a fast 50-60 pg/minute copier/scanner. Here are my responses to your questions.

1. Thank you very much for the information. I feel the posting deserves to be added to the "Articles" area since it's an important component for offices like ourselves working toward "paperless".

I agree and have already thought about creating an article about this vast subject. I have now started an article and it may be read in the articles section but I will probably be adding to it when time permits and as the A1-Law Transfer Utility becomes a "two way sync" module. Right now it is "one way sync" enabled but that along is extremely useful.

2. Is the number that is given (step #4) like "442-21" reference the Case Card # - Case Activity #?

Correct. That is exactly what it is but so as to avoid any confusion, please note that it is not required that the staff and/or "scan clerk" know this. However, that is how the Scan Tracker knows how to automatically attach each document to the case activity and can process around 100 documents in 10 seconds (depending on the speed of your computer).

3. If we are using the setup above and scanning the documents each day into a particular folder on the network, when we do a "Transfer", does it Copy the document and attach the new copy with the file OR does it Move it (Cut & Paste?) into the file?

For safety purposes, A1-Law does a "Copy" and then the network administrator may at their convenience erase all files in the Scan Documents folder that have already been attached to case activity via the scan tracker. Also, only one person (ie: network administrator) needs to do the transfer and as stated above since it only takes a few seconds.

4. If you are scanning the documents each day into the folder, does A1 ignore files that are in the folder from previous tranfers? (So you don't get multiple copies of the same file attached into A1)

Correct. The Scan Tracker ignores files that are already transferred and also indicates how many files get attached as well as how many errors there were (or files that were not successfully transferred). The Scan Tracker checks the "Document Type" at the OLE tab on the case activity to make sure it says "NONE" or it otherwise assumes a document has already been attached.

One will get a "Failed (2)" Error 2 means the document is already attached. One may click the Show Error Codes at the Scan Tracker to see possible errors and error codes that may happen when the Transfer button is clicked to copy and attach documents. One may also "single click" on any document for details as to which case activity it will be or was attached to.

5. We would like the ScanFiles company to scan particular documents from our closed files that we would then import into A1. Those sections would most likely be: Settlement Documents (STIPS, etc.), Pertinent Medical, Permanent & Stationary Report (P&S), Last Treating Doctor Report, Original Fee Agreement.

a. How would we properly have ScanFiles name and order these document sections for each file so that they could be properly imported into A1 using Scan Tracker? Would we add the proper Case Activity areas for each with their "Scan Instruction Form" printouts and then hand them over with the files to SanFiles?

Right away, I see two possibilities. One is exactly as you mentioned. Of course the question then becomes if you go through the effort of going into case activity and adding the case activity note and printing the scan instruction form, how much more work is it to simply do the last step and have a scan clerk put the document on a 50 page per minute scanner and scan and name the document? I have received feedback that a scan clerk can scan several hundred pages in under an hour.

Therefore - if you want to do have the copy service do it the question is this: could they create the case activity entry for your office or do you need your legal secretary to input that data? Assuming it's "standard language" in the case activity then we could easily add a feature to the scan tracker and the copy service could prepare a folder with all the scanned pdf files and a simple text file which might have the following information in it:

Filename,CaseNo,Name,Case Activity Entry,Case Activity Category Number

With that information (the client name only being an extra verification) we could easily have A1-Law import the information and attach the files. For example, a text file might look like this:

med1.pdf,448,"Jon Doe","SCANNED: Medical Report of Dr. Smith",1
med2.pdf,632,"Jane Smith","SCANNED: Settlement docs as of 1/8/2003",3

The copy service would simply need a list of the case activity category descriptions and numbers and they would need to know what to say in each event. Notice I put the word SCANNED before each event? They will not need to do that because it was just an example and it would make it quick and easy for your staff to know that event has a scanned document attached to it. But, I could easily allow the Scan Tracker to prefix each event with a word or code of your choosing.

Let me know if that is a feature you might like to see and if it would be valuable. It would not be hard to implement and would allow copy services to simply take your closed files "as is" and there would be no work at all for your staff.

b. Can the Scan Tracker import into other areas than Case Activity?

I'm not quite sure what ideas you had in mind here.


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Re: ScanFiles (company/paperless) Scanning/ A1 Integration


Post by LMSSC » Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:16 pm

Dear Michael,

Thank you very much for the detailed answers to my questions. I please need some further clarification.

I. >

I'm still confused how this works.

So say hypothetically you have Case# 5000 (that has 25 current case activity entries) and you have 3 different sections being scanned into individual pdfs. Scanning occurs with these sections named "5000-1.pdf", "5000-2.pdf", and "5000-3.pdf".

-When you use the Scan Tracker to import these files into Case #5000's Case Activity, will they overwrite your current (of 25) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd case activity entries? Or will they be individually added to the end of the list of Case activity entries?

OR - Does the "XXX-YY" refer to Case Card - Case Activity CATEGORY NUMBER?

II. If the 2nd part does refer to Case Card Category Number, could we have a Category called "Pertinent Closed Docs" and have all of those pdfs placed in that category with the Scan Tracker?

III. (from #5) "Filename,CaseNo,Name,Case Activity Entry,Case Activity Category Number... Let me know if that is a feature you might like to see and if it would be valuable. It would not be hard to implement and would allow copy services to simply take your closed files "as is" and there would be no work at all for your staff."

I do think this kind of setup would be very useful for our office to add to A1.

IV. (from #5) "b. Can the Scan Tracker import into other areas than Case Activity?

I'm not quite sure what ideas you had in mind here."

I thought briefly that it may be possible to place this information in a special "Scanned Documents" area in A1... but Case Activity makes much more sense.

Thanks again Michael! The entire office GREATLY appeciates all of this information!
Michael Lerner
Network Administrator
Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel
(909) 889-1131

Anonymous User

Re: ScanFiles (company/paperless) Scanning/ A1 Integration


Post by Anonymous User » Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:57 pm

Hello - here's my answers to your questions:

1. I'm still confused how this works. So say hypothetically you have Case# 5000 (that has 25 current case activity entries) and you have 3 different sections being scanned into individual pdfs. Scanning occurs with these sections named "5000-1.pdf", "5000-2.pdf", and "5000-3.pdf".

First (long before the document is scanned) a secretary enters a description of the document in case activity. Perhaps, it might be entry #78 for case 5000. The secretary prints the Scan Instruction Form and it has number 5000-78 on the instruction form. Later when the scan department receives the correspondence with the instruction form they will name the pdf file 5000-78. A1-Law now knows where to attach the document.

2. When you use the Scan Tracker to import these files into Case #5000's Case Activity, will they overwrite your current (of 25) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd case activity entries? Or will they be individually added to the end of the list of Case activity entries?

Neither. The case activity has already been added by a legal secretary and it will attach to the case activity they added. If the case activity originally had 25 entries, the legal secretary at 12:00 on Wed may have added number 26 (5000-26.pdf) then staff may have added 3 phone calls to case activity (entries 27-29) then the legal secretary may later add a description to another correspondence to be scanned for the same case (5000-30.pdf).

3. OR - Does the "XXX-YY" refer to Case Card - Case Activity CATEGORY NUMBER?

The legal secretary has already designated the case activity Category when they entered the case activity event (before the instruction sheet was printed and before it reaches the scan department).

4. If the 2nd part does refer to Case Card Category Number, could we have a Category called "Pertinent Closed Docs" and have all of those pdfs placed in that category with the Scan Tracker?

You may have as many categories for case activity as you like. The legal secretary enters the case activity description in any category they want (just as if there were no document at all to be attached). The Scan Tracker does not transfer/copy the pdf to a category. It simply copies the pdf into the client's folder and attaches it to the case activity entry. The case activity entry is already in the right category when the legal secretary typed in the description.

5. I do think this kind of setup would be very useful for our office to add to A1.

I've made a note for a "copy service" feature. I'll keep you advised on that.

6. I thought briefly that it may be possible to place this information in a special "Scanned Documents" area in A1... but Case Activity makes much more sense.

Right - the idea is Case Activity can have as many or as few categories as you like and it is all in one place and easy to find (ie: General, Medicals, Penalties, Awards, Benefits, Closing Docs, Opening Docs, Rehab, etc).


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Re: ScanFiles (company/paperless) Scanning/ A1 Integration


Post by LMSSC » Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:23 pm

Dear Michael,

In regards to 1-4 above, what would happen if you didn't do the prep work beforehand? What if you just sent off the documents to a company like Scanfiles, who then named them "5000-1.pdf", "5000-2.pdf", and "5000-3.pdf", etc.

When imported with Scan Tracker, would that create problems within the A1 Law Case activity? Or does the system see there is already a Case Activity #1 and copy it to the next available Case Activity number? Or does it attempt to attach the pdf file to Case Activity #1? If so, if there is already a file there would it replace it?


If I understand your explanation about how Case Activity works, each entry you create within Case Activity, regardless of which category you create it in, is assigned the next number in the list 1...2...3...4... etc. etc. Then there is a different setting that sorts them into a category. So for example, if you had 2 Categories: "Main Case Activity" and "Doctor's Report" and 11 entries between the two... you could have Case Activity #s 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11 in "Main Case Activity" and #s 4, 5, 7, 8 in "Doctor's Report".

So a number like "442-21" references the "Case Card # - Case Activity #"... and NOT Case Card # - Case Activity Category.

Michael Lerner
Network Administrator
Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel
(909) 889-1131

Anonymous User

Re: ScanFiles (company/paperless) Scanning/ A1 Integration


Post by Anonymous User » Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:28 pm

(NOTE: For all those reading this thread - This information digs more into the technical aspects of how and why the scan tracker works with case activity - the details are technical and not required to understand in order to utilize the scan tracker.

We are discussing what would happen if one utilizes a copy service with acrobat filenames to be attached without case activity already entered for those files to be attached. In general, at this time one first enters a case activity event, prints a scan instruction form and then the scan department scans the document(s). We are looking to add a new feature to the scan tracker to allow a copy service to "do it all" which means providing an office with scanned files from closed file(s) as well as a text file containing information to add to case activity for the files to be attached.)

1. In regards to 1-4 above, what would happen if you didn't do the prep work beforehand? What if you just sent off the documents to a company like Scanfiles, who then named them "5000-1.pdf", "5000-2.pdf", and "5000-3.pdf", etc.

Well - that would clearly be "in error" and I think the Scan Tracker would try and attach them to those events if a document is not already attached. If a document is attached then the scan tracker would generate an error. What's worse is that the first 20 or so case activity events are reserved anyways so those documents would have to be re-attached. This is perhaps "all the more reason" to consider me creating a "copy service" feature where the Scan Tracker could import the pdf files and attach new case activity events from a text file they would also supply. But, the format I specified in my prior post was just a quick thought - I would probably change around the format slightly. But, if it is something you want to have a copy service do, let me know and I can create a new feature and advise the service of the proper format for the case number, filename, category, case activity event, etc.

2. When imported with Scan Tracker, would that create problems within the A1 Law Case activity? Or does the system see there is already a Case Activity #1 and copy it to the next available Case Activity number?

It would see there is a case activity #1 and check to see if a document is attached. If not, it would attach the document. However, the event would not in any way have anything to do with the attached document. This is the entire reason for the Scan Instruction Form. There are far fewer mis-filings.

3. Or does it attempt to attach the pdf file to Case Activity #1? If so, if there is already a file there would it replace it?

Nope - if there is already an attached file then you will get a "Failed (2)" Error. In fact, if you go to the Scan Tracker and click the "Show Error Codes" you will see other possible errors that could occur. For example, you could have a file named 5000-545 but there may not be a case activity event #545. That generates an Error (25). Another possibility is perhaps there is no case number 5000 but you are trying to attach file 5000-21.pdf. That generates an error 22, client card not found. However, experience and feedback from other offices indicates that errors are extremely rare (unless the scan department is negligent or totally incompetant). Also, feedback indicates that this system generates fewer misfilings than under the old paper system where papers are placed in the wrong file (the physical file).

4. If I understand your explanation about how Case Activity works, each entry you create within Case Activity, regardless of which category you create it in, is assigned the next number in the list 1...2...3...4... etc. etc. Then there is a different setting that sorts them into a category.

CORRECT. Every number is unique regardless of which category it is in. As you know, you may edit any event and go to Properties and then move the event from one category to another. However, that does NOT change the number and it does NOT change the document attached to it.

5. So for example, if you had 2 Categories: "Main Case Activity" and "Doctor's Report" and 11 entries between the two... you could have Case Activity #s 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11 in "Main Case Activity" and #s 4, 5, 7, 8 in "Doctor's Report".

Right. There may even be some numbers missing if events were deleted at some time in the past.

6. So a number like "442-21" references the "Case Card # - Case Activity #"... and NOT Case Card # - Case Activity Category.

Right. Category has nothing to do with it and events may be moved anytime from one category to another by simply going to the properties sheet. Category is just as unrelated as color, red alert, event date or anything else. The only thing the scan tracker needs to attach the document is the case number and the "event number." However, if you feel a "copy service" feature would be beneficial then we would be adding new events so we would not need an event number. The service would create a simple text file containing information such as the case number, category, date, case activity event, etc. Then, the scan tracker could add them as new activities and it would only need two things (1) pdf files from the copy service (2) a text file from the copy service.


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Re: ScanFiles (company/paperless) Scanning/ A1 Integration


Post by LMSSC » Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:09 pm

Dear Michael,

Thanks again for all of your information in regards to setting up scanning properly.

So if we are going to use a Scanning Company like ScanFiles for our closed files - with the Current scanning setup (using current A1 features):

One of the easiest ways to do this would be:

(p) - physical step
(c) - computer step

1.(p) We pull apart the closed physical file into sections (as described previously).
2.(c) In the A1-Law specific case card, we add the name (description) of each of those sections as a separate case activity – Each time clicking the “Scan” button (to save the case activity note plus we view and then manually print the “A1Law Scanning Instruction Form”).
3.(p) We attach the specific printed scan instructions for each of those case activities to the appropriate physical file section.
4.(p) We turn those sections with the scan instructions attached over to ScanFiles.
5.(p+c) ScanFiles scans those document sections into adobe documents (.pdf).
6.(p+c) We download/receive a copy (CD) of those adobe documents and copy them into a specific folder.
7. (c) We use the A1-Law Scan tracker to attach those files in that specific folder to the appropriate case.

Do I have this correct? Thanks!
Michael Lerner
Network Administrator
Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel
(909) 889-1131

Anonymous User

Re: ScanFiles (company/paperless) Scanning/ A1 Integration


Post by Anonymous User » Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:44 pm

(p) - physical step
(c) - computer step

1.(p) We pull apart the closed physical file into sections (as described previously).

Or you let the copy service do that for you since they will be doing all the scanning. If the copy service has the expertise, then you should be able to just give them the file and let them go through everything (but that is up to your office since it is always possible that the copy service and/or your office could miss a document in the file and not think it needs to be scanned).

2.(c) In the A1-Law specific case card, we add the name (description) of each of those sections as a separate case activity – Each time clicking the “Scan” button (to save the case activity note plus we view and then manually print the “A1Law Scanning Instruction Form”).

Or - again - the copy service could do this with the new feature I'm implementing. This will save a lot of time because your staff won't need to pull any files or add any case activity at all.

3.(p) We attach the specific printed scan instructions for each of those case activities to the appropriate physical file section.

Right - (attach the scan instruction form) unless you use the new copy service feature that I'm working on.

4.(p) We turn those sections with the scan instructions attached over to ScanFiles.
5.(p+c) ScanFiles scans those document sections into adobe documents (.pdf).

Right - and with the new copy service feature they would name the document and add case activity along with other information such as filename, case number, etc. so that it saves you time and you won't have to enter anything at all.

6.(p+c) We download/receive a copy (CD) of those adobe documents and copy them into a specific folder.

Right. But again, I think if you don't use the new copy service feature then it sounds like you are doing most of the work already.

7. (c) We use the A1-Law Scan tracker to attach those files in that specific folder to the appropriate case.



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